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Ongoing support for your 
business and your people

Learn more about our specialist cancer support services for businesses.

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Ongoing support for your 
business and your people

Learn more about our specialist cancer support services for businesses.

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Training Webinars

Training Webinars

Report: Living & Working With Cancer

Report: Living & Working With Cancer

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

research insights webinar

Research insights webinar:
Experiences of working through cancer
For employers

Our Employee Experience Survey asked employees with cancer how they felt about their experience at work.

In this webinar, we reveal insights for HR and wellbeing leaders.

A cancer diagnosis presents a complex web of challenges for people. Compounding this concern is the growing pressure on healthcare. NHS waiting times are longer, and private healthcare is inaccessible for many. Premiums for which are increasing by up to 40%.

This places employers at a crossroads, prompting them to consider the depth and effectiveness of cancer support offered in their benefits packages.

Research insights reveal:

  • Average absence at different stages of the cancer pathway.
  • When employees communicate about their illness.
  • Disparities in access to private healthcare.
  • Whether employee benefits adequately support people working with cancer.
  • Actionable insights for employers to increase loyalty and retention.