Get in touch
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Our contact numbers
For personal support
If you're registering for our support, or want to find out how we can help you or a loved one:
Call: 0207 965 0309
Email: support@reframe.co.uk
Portal login >
For business support
If you want to learn more about how we can help your organisation:
Call: 0207 965 0299
Email: enquiries@reframe.co.uk
Feedback and complaints
Reframe is committed to delivering a high-quality service to our customers and clients and quality assurance is a key part of our delivery. We are continually striving to improve the quality of the service we deliver and appreciate your feedback to help us to achieve this. Should we not meet your expectations we are committed to resolving these issues to mutual satisfaction.
Call: 0207 965 0286
Email: enquiries@reframe.co.uk
What happens next?
A written acknowledgement will be provided within 3 working days of receiving a complaint. A full written response will be provided within 20 working days of receiving a complaint when the outcome of the investigation is known, and findings have concluded. Where this is not possible due to the complexity of the investigation, a holding letter will be provided within 20 working days explaining the reason for not being able to provide a full and final response and indicate when one will be likely. A copy of our complaint policy is available upon request.