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Ongoing support for your 
business and your people

Learn more about our specialist cancer support services for businesses.

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Business Support
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For Employers

For Insurers

For Insurers

For Brokers

For Brokers

For SME’s

For SME’s

For EAPs

For EAPs

Ongoing support for your 
business and your people

Learn more about our specialist cancer support services for businesses.

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Business Resources
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Training Webinars

Training Webinars

Report: Living & Working With Cancer

Report: Living and Working With Cancer

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

health insurance

Helping your insurance proposition stand out

We partner with insurers to build tailored solutions that enhance your cancer offering

Flexible cancer support solutions for insurers

We can work with you as a bolt-on service, help you manage your patients, or help you navigate through NHS and private treatment.


UK Group Risk industry paid out £2.21bn in claims in 2022. Cancer was the main cause of claim.


66% of CI claims and 27% of GIP claims were for cancer


49% of people with cancer will experience depression because of their diagnosis 

Benefits for your customers:

  • A proactive cancer support team that provides comprehensive, continuous support throughout the whole journey.
  • Professional help to navigate the UK’s healthcare system (private and NHS). When the NHS is navigated well, it can alleviate challenges for patients and help speed up their journey.
  • Holistic support to help with all aspects of life impacted by cancer (practical, financial, clinical and emotional).
  • Targeted individualised support that empowers patients to make informed decisions about their care and achieve the best possible outcomes.

James' story

James was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma for a second time, and went through treatment whilst preparing for the birth of his first baby.  He accessed Reframe Cancer's support through his work's health insurance plan, and found the assistance invaluable through his treatment, recovery and return to work.


Speak to us about our tailored cancer solutions for insurers

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