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employee health concerns infographic
the Reframe teamMay 19, 2020 3:10:25 PM1 min read

Infographic: Employee health concerns at work

Coronavirus causes increase in employee concern about discussing mental health and long-term illness

New employee research explores health concerns at work

Lockdown is affecting people in so many ways, and it’s incredibly worrying that employees feel like they must hide their health concerns from their employers for fear of negative consequences. Keeping illness hidden can cause psychological damage to people’s health, and at a time when we all need to support others as much as possible, employers have a duty to support their employees in more ways than just financially.

We recognise that many employers are facing uncertainty about their businesses’ future. However you need to reinforce your company values more than ever before - increasing communication, adjusting policies and creating an engaging culture during this time.

Our infographic is a snapshot of our recent research (Based on 2000 adults in the UK, conducted by YouGov), uncovering the impact of coronavirus on the health of your employees.

Reframe - Employee health concerns infographic 2020

Read our tips on supporting your most vulnerable team mates


Don't forget about those on furlough

Team members who have already been, or will be, furloughed, are still part of your team. Protecting their mental and social wellbeing will help drive a sense of belonging, encourage morale upon their return to work, as well as preserve your company's culture.