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Ongoing support for your 
business and your people

Learn more about our specialist cancer support services for businesses.

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Report: Living & Working With Cancer

Report: Living and Working With Cancer

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

Webinar: Sensitive Conversations

Impact of cancer in the workplace [infographic]

When an employee is diagnosed with cancer, naturally, our thoughts are first with the person diagnosed, but of course its impact can be felt by many other people. Managers, colleagues and others in the wider business will all be affected by this life changing event. So do you know what the impact of cancer would be in your workplace?

Perhaps you haven’t given it much thought, but with over 125,000 people of working age diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year, you need to ensure you’re protecting not only the individual, but the rest of your team.

One diagnosis has a huge impact

It takes a village to support those affected by cancer. Behind every diagnosis there is a support network that spreads across and beyond your business – from line managers and HR representatives to their colleagues and, of course, friends and family caring for the person diagnosed. Each will be affected in their own unique way, have their own questions and need their own support in order to best handle the situation they’re presented with.

With almost half of those diagnosed with cancer in the workplace having to make changes to their working lives after cancer, and 40 per cent changing jobs or leaving work altogether, you can see why it’s imperative for employers to take cancer care seriously.

Cancer care has been significantly impacted by COVID

Both public and private healthcare services in the UK have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and fewer areas more so than cancer care. Coronavirus has left those diagnosed, and their loved ones, navigating a cancer backlog that Macmillan has estimated will take 20 months to clear.

These long-term delays will impact you as an employer too; it’s likely to lead to greater demand from your team for comprehensive cancer care as part of their employee benefits package.

Infographic: The impact of cancer in the workplace

Our infographic is a snapshot of recent research, equipping you with an understanding of how cancer could impact you and the wider business.

Impact of cancer infographic

Mitigating the impact of cancer with holistic cancer care

Reframe can help your business navigate cancer proactively, ensuring you give the best support to your people. That support has become even more critical with a backlog in cancer care, to ensure people can swiftly access the right treatment and care.

We provide holistic support for those diagnosed with cancer and their carers: a dedicated team for the employee’s entire journey, dealing with treatment, anticipating when more help is needed, preparing work for re entry, balancing the family. We give businesses the knowledge they need to support their employees effectively while working with cancer, or returning to work after cancer.

Supporting someone with cancer is a moment that matters. Like to see how we can help? Get in touch.


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