Julian Case Study
How we helped Julian
When Julian found a lump in his leg and was diagnosed with Pleomorphic Sarcoma he thought pragmatically. As a dentist and owner of a successful practice he felt confident he didn’t need help.
“Because of my medical background, I just thought let's get on with it. I wasn't too fussed about it.”
Julian was then faced with an operation and medication that drained him, he turned to Reframe for support.
“Even the strongest people cannot go through even quite straightforward cancer like mine, with all the complications, the operations and everything else like medication. It drains you, the pain, business, work, it all drains you. Everything drains you. You're not as fit as you were before. If you've got like assistance from an organisation like Reframe, it is priceless.”
Realising that he needed help
Julian learnt about Reframe from his insurance provider, Unum.
“I’m insured with Unum. Unum said they could arrange for someone from Reframe to contact me…a call with Rebecca was organised”
Being a business owner Julian was concerned about how we would continue running the business whilst going through treatment.
“Going through this. It's a minefield, there is so much you just don't know. Despite being medically trained, I quickly realised I knew diddly squat. To have support from someone like Rebecca at Reframe allowed me to run my business with the reassurance that some things were continuing to happen in the background. It was worth it.”
Finding time to communicate with the hospitals, schedule appointments and organise treatment was an area where Julian found our support invaluable.
“Anybody in my position who runs a pretty successful business will still need to be there. I don't want to spend time ringing up hospitals. I don't have time to seek out information. I am time-poor.”
The operation
Julian had to undergo an operation. This was a period where the support of Rebecca, a Reframe Cancer Nurse Specialist was particularly helpful.
Rebecca helped with pain control, providing information about the operation, and managed expectations in regards to post-operation recovery. Rebecca answered any concerns or worries Julian had.
Speaking to Rebecca, Julian said, “I trusted you more than I trusted anyone. You were the most accurate and most helpful person to me at that time”.
Rebecca’s advice proved instrumental in making Julian more comfortable, particularly when he was struggling to shower after his operation.
“Rebecca sent me a link to a website where I could buy these waterproof stockings things. You put them on for a shower. They arrived the following day. WOW, what a difference!”
Communication and positivity
Reframe not only supported Julian throughout his treatment, operation and recovery but also acted as a positive presence for his loved ones. Julian avoided talking about negatives or concerns with his friends and family, so as not to worry them. Instead, Julian only discussed the negatives and his concerns with Sally, his close friend and carer. Together Julian and Sally were able to draw on the support of a dedicated Reframe team, Cancer Support Manager, Lorraine and Cancer Nurse Specialist, Rebecca. Together Julian, Sally and the Reframe team faced and worked through the negativities.
“No, I didn’t talk about negatives or concerns with friends or family, not at all. I only spoke about those concerns and aspects of my cancer with Sally, Rebecca, or Lorraine. If I was concerned about it, I would tell Sally to contact Reframe rather than me, because I think knowing that she was going to do that gave me the reassurance that I'd not have to do it myself. I knew Rebecca and Lorraine would give accurate information. I always trusted Rebecca and Lorraine would revert with an answer. So, I left it for Sally to contact them, and to ask them questions. I had confidence in them.”
We were a positive presence to those around Julian, supporting Sally and his family and friends. Ensuring all of their questions were answered and they felt like they were supported too.
“Just even having a friend, a good friend or partner. It also helps them; it's not just helping me; it's helping the people close to me to be able to support me and deal with the situation. It's so worthwhile. It's invaluable, you can't put a price on it.”
“I could see the release in Sally too, having a support team meant she too was able to concentrate on other things.”
The support Julian received from Reframe was irreplaceable for him and those closest to him. He, as well as his friends and family, had a source of support across his full cancer journey from treatment to the operation and through to recovery.
When asked to explain if Reframe were helpful, Julian highlighted the expert help, reassurance, and support that our team offered him.
“The Reframe team saves you time and provides reassurance. It's like having a PA who supports you in chasing hospital appointments and follow-ups. I think that's how to explain it. I got lucky, as I had Sally by my side too. But Reframe is literally like having another PA. You are paying that assistant to take care of things for you whether it is your treatment, your recovery, your appointments; the whole lot. That's how I explain it.”